CardStarter Hosts Unreal Finance IDO

3 min readAug 11, 2021
Unreal Finance X CardStarter IDO Launch

Unreal Finance will launch IDO on CardStarter

CardStarter, the world’s leading incubator, launchpad and insurance program for Cardano projects, will launch the Unreal Finance IDO. Unreal Finance is a revolutionary protocol that unlocks previously inaccessible liquidity via a novel unrealized yield futures layer.

The team at Unreal Finance forecasts that the next evolution of decentralized finance (DeFi) lies within fixed rate lending.

“By tokenizing interest rates, a user not only gets a fixed lock-in rate but can also speculate on yield generated by underlying protocols (i.e., trade the tokens) and arbitrage between yield generating protocols.” ~ The Unreal Finance Team

This translation to a fixed rate will unlock a tremendous amount of liquidity by utilizing a higher fund-utilization ratio. With this creative breakthrough, Unreal Finance brings new opportunities to DeFi such as staking yield tokens, leveraging underlying assets while mitigating liquidation risk, hedging against falling rates and raising funds without increasing debt.

Unreal Finance will begin with integrations in Yearn, Compound, Aave and UniLend. It’s roadmap includes integrating with layer-2 protocols, multichain capability and an automated market maker for time-depreciating assets.

The CardStarter team is pleased to bring this trailblazing project as an investment opportunity to our community!

“CardStarter is committed to the crypto and DeFi movement. We are proud to be the launchpad for innovative new projects such as Unreal Finance that advance DeFi. Unreal Finance solves the roadblock of uncollateralized liquidity that remains untapped.” ~ Amir Aatash, CEO CardStarter.

About Unreal Finance

Unreal Finance is a decentralized protocol that allows users to tokenize the yield generated by popular lending protocols such as Compound, Aave, and UniLend. By tokenizing their yield, users can lock into a fixed interest rate. using Unreal Finance, a user can instantly sell their unrealised yield, effectively locking their interest rate at a fixed price. Moreover, traders can speculate on the unrealised yield.

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About CardStarter

CardStarter is the first incubator, launchpad and insurance program for projects being built on the Cardano network. The CARDS platform is a unique and dynamic launchpad, connecting projects to early supporters and a network of key partners. The Cards Accelerator Program (CAP) team works with each project individually to establish the right connections and map marketing strategies, laying the foundation for long term success.

CardStarter is also differentiated by its charge to protect its supporters. CARDS provides unbiased third-party audits of every project’s code and protects IDO participants with an in-house insurance program. CardStarter is proudly partnered with X21 Digital, BlockSync Ventures, Moonwhale Ventures, Genesis Shards, Plethori, Fractal, PARSIQ, Scryptic Tech and Longtail Financial. Once fully built, CardStarter will be an all-inclusive platform with a decentralized exchange to complement the current offerings. CardStarter also aims to be a continually nurturing force in the growing Cardano ecosystem, with hackathons and project development support representing a major focus of the roadmap.

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