CardStarter — Tiers “Reshuffled”

2 min readApr 28, 2021

CardStarter Revised CARDS Requirements for Increased Inclusivity and Incentive for participating in IDOs

The CardStarter team is overwhelmed by the outpouring positive response and support from the CARDS community. We are constantly working tirelessly to connect the most innovative and promising projects with our community.

Our strategy here at CardStarter has always been to establish our tier requirements as defined by the 3 goals set out in our previous article,

  1. accessibility,
  2. incentives for holding CARDS,
  3. and the long term health of CardStarter.

Keeping to these goals, we have completely reworked CardStarter’s tiers. We analyzed the distribution of CARDS holder wallets, and took several variables into consideration including vesting schedules, project raise goals, allocation sizes, and CardStarter’s roadmap.

The Revised Tiers

To increase accessibility to IDOs, we replaced the Deuces tier with 3 new Wildcard tiers. The Wildcard tiers are all lottery based with varied probability/pool weight. You can participate in the Wildcard tiers with as little as 100 CARDS tokens!

New Wild Cards Lottery Based Tiers

We wanted to acknowledge and reward CardStarter early supporters who believe in the long term vision and economic health of the project by expanding the upper end of our tiers. The new Kings of Clubs and Aces tiers provide incentive for larger CARDS holders to stay in our ecosystem.

Guaranteed Allocation Face Cards Tiers

We spent a lot of time deliberating and modelling the economics of these tiers, and are thrilled with how they work in various scenarios.

Thanks again for all of your support, as CardStarter is nothing without its amazing community!

